Singing Psalm 143 for resolve to stick with your best friend
The Psalms, and Psalm 143 in particular, bring you back into dependence on the Lord where you belong “destroying all the adversaries of [your] soul.”
Singing Psalm 143 clues you in to the schemes that would untether you from your best friend
These soul enemies aren’t seeking your targeted allegiance to them. They have a wide net to enslave you with, for anything or anyone you depend upon and love more than the triune God makes you theirs. They don’t care that you don’t think of them because they care less for you than a loaf of bread they are about to consume.
They want you cut off from your best friend, your covenant head. They are the all-inclusive devil and his minions, always ready to consume all those whom they tempt in a multitude of ways to follow them. “We are many” they speak out of one called ‘Legion.’
They manifest themselves in every diverse and disordered desire, emotion, thought, and deed within every person whose allegiance is not unequivocally to their Maker. They whip you around mercilessly to become a people pleaser, a people annoyer, a people addict, and/or a people avoider. You are engaged moment-by-moment in a spiritual battle more real than earthly battles you can see, the fallout more devastating than bloody carnage.
Singing Psalm 143 drives you to ever embrace your best friend
Contrast this with the person who takes the narrow way who cries to the triune God for deliverance to the only one who can save in whom you can take refuge;
"Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love,
For in you I trust.
Make me know the way I should go,
For to you I lift up my soul.” ~ Psalm 143:8
He is worthy of your allegiance because he cares for you, protects you, defends you, puts courage in you, knows your weak frame and calls you to depend upon, rely upon him for the strength you need for life. He helps you live in harmony with others as he carries you on your upward climb. He promises to be with you always, to never leave you, to be your very great reward. Therefore, you can affectionately sing with the composer:
“Teach me to do your will,
For you are my God!
Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!” ~ Psalm 143:10
March 29, 2022