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Singing Psalm 117 offers enduring hope to change the world for people of all nations

Singing Psalm 117 for enduring hope through the depth of God’s wisdom for all nations 

Jesus’ presence provides the depth of wisdom each person from every nation needs for enduring hope. Jesus is with his people not just to give them wisdom for its own sake, but Jesus is wisdom incarnate.

You don’t want wisdom that would puff you up in pride mistakenly thinking that it comes from within you. When looking beneath the surface at conflict between people and nations, pride in self is at the root.

Would that all nations, leaders and citizens alike, make it their aim to praise and extol the Lord for his wisdom.

Would that their thinking would be transformed by renewing their minds.

Would that they understand presenting their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God is their spiritual worship.

Singing Psalm 117 for enduring hope through the breadth of God’s steadfast love for people of all nations

Hoping not only for the laws to change, but that people’s hearts would change that the unborn would always be given the chance to fully develop and welcomed rather than put to death, that the oppressed might be given opportunities instead of being excluded from them, and that those who have more than enough would share with those who have less and not seeking more and more for themselves.

Would that each one know how deep and wide is the love of Jesus that he would know his gospel and be moved to deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Jesus.

Would that each person in each nation follow Jesus to the extent of loving enemies. In wanting this, you imitate the triune God who desires that all peoples be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. The scope and breadth of God’s steadfast lovingkindness is the only source of enduring hope for people from every nation.

Rather than embrace only the powerful and great things that can be done and make those your aim, leaders and citizens alike can make it their goal to do small things with great love, bit by bit, inch by inch, imitating God in whose image they were made.

Singing Psalm 117 for enduring hope through the height of God’s faithfulness for people of all nations 

May all who know him and love him today, be a part of proclaiming and praising and extolling the one true God in whom they put their hope. The height of his faithfulness results in enduring hope that will turn grief into joy, redeeming and restoring all things for his good purposes.

He is our only hope! Because of Jesus, only his followers can taunt death with this question: Where now, O Death, is your sting?

Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord! ~ Psalm 117:1-2

May 28, 2022


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