Singing Psalm 132 for a promise fulfilled in thought
The funny thing about wanting to be thought about, wanting attention, wanting to be seen, to be known, is that it matters how. Quite often it seemed to me as if I wasn’t really there, alone in a room full of people. It was as if I was, not an afterthought, but transparent – able to be seen through, as someone looking past or through me onto another focal point, onto something or someone else. Something or someone interesting, important, desirable.
How unexpected, then, to have the Lord’s attention, to be seen deeply, to be known, weaknesses and graces alike, to be loved both despite your sin and because of who you are in Christ. And when you know you are both deeply known and fiercely loved, you are free and confident to step out into new territory – to desire to follow Jesus and walk by faith in him without fear of failure.
David sought the Lord’s attention and for all he suffered, what he most wanted was the opportunity to build a house in which the Lord would dwell. David wanted to honor the Lord and to live close to him. Though Solomon would get this honor, it was good for David, supernatural even, for him to have this on his heart. For most of his life, David did not look past the Lord who satisfies. He didn’t consider giving him fleeting, superficial attention. No one likes that, and heartless lip service doesn’t cut it with the Lord either. Why else would Jesus have lamented that his people honored him with their lips but that their hearts were far from him? They worshiped him in vain since their teachings were not from God but from men. This is why, in spite of his failings, the Lord counted David as a man after his own heart.
“For the sake of David,
Turn your thoughts, O LORD,
To the things he suffered,
Hardships he endured.
Then he made a promise,
Vowing to the LORD—
Mighty One of Jacob—
Unto Him, he swore:
‘My house I’ll not enter,
There I’ll not repose;
I’ll not let my eyes sleep,
Nor my eyelids close,
Till I find a dwelling
Where the LORD would live—
Mighty One of Jacob—
Him a house I’ll give.’” ~ Psalm 132:1-5
Singing Psalm 132 for a promise fulfilled in word
David would make God a house, but instead it was God who made David a house forever. Every word from God is a promise fulfilled and elicits praise, worship, and joy expressed from the lips of his people, his adopted sons and daughters. Jesus is preparing a home, and plans a rich welcome, for his own.
“At his place of dwelling,
Let us enter in;
Gathered at His footstool,
Let us worship Him.” ~ Psalm 132:7
Oh, to walk and live in ways that please the Lord!
“LORD, now rise and enter
With Your ark of might
To that place of resting,
Pleasing in Your sight.” ~ Psalm 132:8
You get to be a member of God’s royal priesthood, a promise fulfilled, looking to joyfully serve rather than to be served.
Speaking of Abraham, Paul writes:
“No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. That is why his faith was ‘counted to him as righteousness.’ But the words ‘it was counted to him’ were not written for his sake alone, but for ours also. It will be counted to us who believe in him who raised from the dead Jesus our Lord, who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.” ~ Romans 4:20-25
“Let Your priesthood serve You, Clothed in righteousness;Let Your saints with singing Joyfulness express.” ~ Psalm 132:9
A promise fulfilled at least 28 generations later: Jesus, the perfect, obedient son of David, became forever the King of kings on his throne. He is the only one who, in return, kept the covenant that his Father initiated, that first promise fulfilled.
“For Your servant David,
For his sake, I pray:
From your own anointed,
Do not turn away.
For the LORD to David
Solemn vows once spoke;
Making him a promise
He will not revoke:‘I will have your offspring
Sit upon your throne
If they keep my cov’nant,
Making it their own.
If they hold My teachings,
If they will obey,
Then their sons forever
On your throne will stay.’” ~ Psalm 132:10-12
Singing Psalm 132 for a promise fulfilled in deed
“Blessed be the Lord who has given rest to his people Israel, according to all that he promised. Not one word has failed of all his good promise, which he spoke by Moses his servant.” ~ 1 Kings 8:56
With this in mind, how long are you willing to wait for God to use your light, momentary troubles as a promise fulfilled, a springboard for an eternal glory that far outweighs them all? However long it takes will be less than the blink of an eye next to forever! It is so worth eagerly waiting for!
“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” ~ 2 Peter 3:9
The Lord protects, provides for, restores, and sustains what (who) he values.
“But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” ~ 2 Peter 3:13
God’s protection against your enemies is a promise fulfilled.
The cross Jesus bore alone though he didn’t deserve it, to save those who do deserve the cross.
God’s provision to give you everything you need for life and godliness is a promise fulfilled.
His crown Jesus shares with those to whom he has given a new heart that is set on him as a promise fulfilled, though he alone deserves that crown. What better way to express joyfulness over having a new heart than to sing for joy!
“For the LORD has chosen Zion;
There he has desired to be:
‘This my resting place forever;
Here I’ll stay, it pleases Me.
I’ll bless her provision richly;
I’ll her poor with bread sustain,
Clothe her priests with My salvation,
Then her saints for joy will sing
I’ll make David’s power flourish,
My anointed’s lamp prepare;
I with shame his foes will cover;
He a shining crown will wear.’” ~ Psalm 132:13-18
April 5-12, 2024