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Singing Psalm 59 for everlasting love
Singing Psalm 59 for everlasting love Singing Psalm 59 catapults you into the presence of one who loves you with everlasting love. His...

Singing Psalm 16 for everlasting pleasure
Disappointments and detours transform into vehicles of everlasting pleasure when your mind is grounded in the counsel of the Lord.

Singing Psalm 64 to reset your heart
You reset your heart on his deeds and ask him to move you to obey his command to be gentle and humble.

Singing Psalm 34 you release expectations
Singing Psalm 34 you release expectations What follows when God breaks your heart? He resets it, redirects it, and from its overflow, you...

Singing Psalm 112 you do not fear anything except the LORD
When you are in deep waters, as long as he is with you holding you afloat, you do not fear anything.

Singing Psalm 116 moving between life and death
Jesus restores light from darkness and shines brighter than anyone before or after him as the forerunner of living between life and death.

Singing Psalm 107 for rescue from the storm
Since you have been rescued, you want others to find rescue from the storm too.
The rare jewel of Christian friendship – part 3: Focus on being likable (lovable) or on liking
The rare jewel of Christian friendship Part 3: Focus on being likable (lovable) or on liking (loving)? July 20, 2015 If you want to be...
The rare jewel of Christian friendship – part 2: Loving without needing
The rare jewel of Christian friendship Part 2: Loving without needing June 8, 2015 When the question was posed last month to a group of...
The rare jewel of Christian friendship – part 1: Friendship Imposters
The Rare Jewel of Christian Friendship* Part 1: Friendship Imposters June 5, 2015 “I have no one else like him.” ~ Philippians 2:20...
Affliction and Affection: Flip sides of the same coin?
5 Reasons I Am Reformed My response: Thank you for this thoughtful post. I found it while doing a Google search for ‘reformed deepen...

Yoga – A deeper look
As one does the yoga positions, the body, even unwittingly, becomes a temple to house pagan gods.
My thoughts on Qigong Strength Training and Strength Training
My thoughts for today on Qigong Strength Training – Acknowledging the Creator and Connector of bodies and minds – Though I don’t hold the...
Diversify or Defend?
This article just came to my inbox yesterday from Pastor Phil Pockras. It gets at the challenge it is to get clear on our faith in Christ...
Sounds of the Hour
Swiping spills multiplies mess as sounds bellow. Babies squeal, big machines hum making mountainous vibrations in my head, achy...

In this article:Toggle Desire healthy relationships? Listen. Desire healthy relationships? Listen. Do you desire healthy relationships?...
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